    Position Controls
New functions
Special features
with Profibus-DP interface
with PROFIdrive interface
with CANopen interface
with encoder
with Closed Loop control

Eurocard format
for 19 inch mountage

Panel mount / 19 inch rack system
with integrated power supply

WSERS – Position control
in compact housing

Overview programming
with PC or SERS Programmer
SERS Programmer 2
Examples programming SERS drives
    home     products     position controls   SERS special features
    Special features of the SERS

with the microstepping operation of 12800 steps/revolution the motor running is very smooth
and low on vibrations – comparable with the running quality of a Servo Motor

4 different phase current characteristics for matching different stepping motor characteristics,
guarantee an excellent truth running of the stepping motor

because of dynamical changing of step angle at higher velocities
the control is able to create velocities from 0,12 until 10000 rpm

SERS-controls designed as a modular system together with the panel mount / 19-inch system series ELK
enable cost effective mains ready single and multiple axis controls
(up to 6 axis with integrated power supply or up to 8-axis with external power supply)

SERS-controls are able to communicate among each other without additional higher ranking control
via the implemented RS232-interface – working as a master-slave network
with one SERS as controlling master and the other SERS as controlled slaves.
For many multiple axis applications in that way an additional higher ranking control
(PC, PLC, ... ) is not neccessary anymore.

8 free programmable inputs and 4 free programmable outputs (with up to 500mA load per output),
additionally 2 limit switch-, 1 home switch-, 1 stop switch input, 1 analogue input (0 to 5 VDC , 8Bit)
and one general ouput 'ready signal'

3 different scalings are selectable: linear, rotational and not scaled (incremental)
– so the position-, velocity- and acceleration values can be referred directly to the application
e.g. to the movement at a linear axis – the calculation from steps and pulse frequency
into e.g. [mm] and [rpm] or [mm/min] is done by the SERS

very easy learnable and understandable programming language (similar to BASIC)
– e.g. 'ON' for switching on the motor current, or 'V=1000' to set the velocity to 1000 rpm
(in case of rotational scaling) or 1000 mm/min (in case of linear scaling)
(the preferred scaling can be selected via setting parameters)

arithmetical functions (+, -, *, /, AND, OR, EXOR, NEG, NOT)
with accumulator and 12 free usable registers
(any parameter – position, velocitiy, value of analogue input etc.
– may be used in arithmetical functions)

the programming of the SERS can be done with any PC with DOS- or Windows Operating System
(Win95 to Win8) – the programming software is included for every SERS.
– operating and controlling the SERS is also possible via any other operating system
like Linux or Macintosh via the standard serial interface RS232

the complete programming and operation of a SERS is also possible via an optional
available hand programing device which also includes functions like:
–  password may be defined for limitation of the access to parameters and running programm
–  single parameters and program lines may be enabled / disabled for being displayed and edited
–  complete custom specific menus can be programmed, by the user himself
        position control SERS/WSERS and SERS Programmer 2 – single data sheet (641 KByte)
        stepping motor controls catalogue 2015 – catalogue (1838 KByte)
      stepper motors  I   position controls  I   power amplifiers  I  equipment   I  home  I  info@stoegra.de